Everyone hates January, don’t they? All that nasty weather and month-long mince-pie hangover and constantly writing the previous year by mistake on anything you have to date. So, here comes one more thing about January for you to despise and detest – Episode 90 of the ugvm Podcast!
In this episode, deKay, Toby and Kendrick talk about the earth-shaking revelations that Nintendo’s Switch 2 reveal brought, the excitement of Moar Doom and the rest of the Xbox Developer Event Thing, Sega being Ubisoft and letting you give all your data to them in return for… well, not much, and Dan Tedium (or something) having a radio show. For our younger listener, a radio show is like a podcast but it’s on at a specific time. PLUS! We talk about GAMES! Including:
- Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi
- Wizardry Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
- Freedom Wars Remastered
- Phogs
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna: The Golden Country
- Miss Rosen’s Wowtastic! Marching Band
- Elite Dangerous
- Indiana Jones and Metal Gear Solid V: The Great Circle
- Hi-fi Rush
And other things. Plenty for you to hate, eh?
(Direct link here)
Intro music credits: Mark the Strong from the Indiana Jones and the Great Circle soundtrack.
Don’t forget, if you want to contact us with questions or comments for or about the show, you can email podcast@ugvm.org.uk or publicly shame us https://mas.to/@ugvmpodcast on the Mastodons.
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