After the credits, I loaded my game to find myself back at my house, where my mum offered me a rest, almost as if nothing had happened. The world seemed unchanged, as if my quest had never taken place. Sure, if I went to the gyms I’m sure I’d see my name listed, always below Quillum, but that was just a small detail.
The real prize was elsewhere, in a cave which had previously been blocked by someone warning me that it contained high-level pokémon and it was too dangerous for me to go in. Hah, no more, I’m the champion of the world, don’t you know? There is no pokémon too mighty for me to beat!
I stopped at a pokémon centre, picked up the master ball I’d been saving, and off I went.
Fighting through the cave was tricky. It was a proper maze, with multiple routes which meant that more than once I ended up back where I’d started. Moreover, the enemies in the cave were exclusively random encounters, with no trainers – meaning that when I quit out due to having sustained too much damage, I had to start again when I reentered, with only my knowledge of the route improving. In other dungeons, the trainers were the most difficult opponents, and once you beat them once, they let you past freely. No such grace from wild pokémon. Luckily, Vaporeon’s attacks were highly effective against many of the pokémon I encountered.
I collected a couple of new pokémon as I progressed, generally evolutions of those I have already captured, as well as some higher level monsters I could possibly use as trades in the future. And eventually I found an opponent standing tall on a mound in the deepest part of the cave.

The master ball actually made this a little anti-climactic. There was no attack from the level-70 opponent; no desperate juggling of revives and heals. I threw the ball, Mewtwo got in it.
And I think I’m done. There are quite a few pokémon which I could catch but haven’t, but getting those will require lots of grinding (for evolutions) or random luck (in the Safari Zone) and I have other things to be doing. Farewell, Pokémon Blue, it’s been a blast.